Thursday, November 22, 2018

John Chau's Third November 15th Journal Entry

Journal Blue waters in the Cove , Double rainbow over the Island!      

November 15, 2018
North Sentinel Island
Southwest Cove

Well, I’ve been shot by the Sentilese…by a kid probably about ten or so years old, maybe a teenager, short compared to those who looked like adults. Let me first back up; after that initial contact, some of the guys in my boat went spear fishing and caught what they call “entt-a-la” that looks like a grouper or sea bass with big lips-they caught two and each weighed about 30lbs—so after a meal of that(?) and rice, I swam back to the cached kayak (after first going poop in the water(?) about  a mile – ¾ mile from the Sentinel house. So I wasn’t worried that they see, but more concerned that if I went on shore that they’d see or find it). And left a few gifts (scissors, cord, and safety pins) on a log that a human must have put there—this cache and location is on the north side of the southwest cove. Then I built the kayak (again because I had broken it down to hide after that first contact), and paddled back to the boat. We put the two big fish on top of my kayak, and my small pelican (are(?) that held many pencils, my initial contact repairs(?) kit (for arrow wounds) such as hemostat/cuitclot(?), abdominal pads, chest seal, and dental forceps for arrow removal, plus it contained my picture cards, and multivitamins and multitools (including the one my brother gave as a groomsman gift that has my name engraved on it…and unfortunately it also contained my passports [I’ll say why it was unfortunate in a moment] inside my kayak; plus I had my waterproof Bible (thanks Bardin and Marsee Publishing [see here]) and some gifts: scissors, tweezers, safety pins, fishing line and hooks, and cordage, and rubber tubing, and my new Socudo(?) tomely(?). I set off towards the north shore of the cove toward where I had seen a dilapidated structure and two destroyed dug-outs via binoculars.
    Why was it destroyed? Perhaps a death? Then seeing no one from the water, I waded my kayak through the shallows of the dead coral reef and still didn’t see anyone. I affixed some gifts to the fish and then proceeded around the cove toward the hut(?) I had been darted(?) from an initial contact. Sure enough, as I for closer, I heard the whoops and shouts from the hut. I made sure to stay out of arrow range, but unfortunately that meant I was out of good hearing range. So I got a little closer and as they (about 6 from what I could see) yelled at me, I tried to parrot their words back to them. They burst out laughing most of the time, so they probably were bad words or insulting me. They were also yelling into the forest behind the hut, which echoed and they(?) made drumming sounds(?), if I recall. Perhaps their men were away which would explain why the ones yelling at me looked fairly juvenile. I spotted one man wearing a white crown or something (flowers maybe?) on his head and he also took a seemingly leadership stance and yelled at me. Leadership stance meaning he climbed atop the tallest coral rock to yell. I yelled some phrase in Xinosa(?) and sang them some worship songs and hymns, and they would after fall silent after this. Then two of them dropped their bows and took a dugout to meet me(?). I couldn’t tell if they were truly anavad(?) or not; so I still kept a safe distance away and dropped off the fish and gifts. And at first they paddled(?) their dugout past the gifts and were coming at me, then they turned and grabbed(?) the gifts except for the shovel/adze(?). I paddled after them and exchanged some more yells of currently unitelligle words. Then here’s where this nice meet and greet goes(?) south. A child and a song(?) woman both with bows came behind  the few(?) gift receives(?), with bows drawn  of arrows(?) first(?). I kept waving my hands to say “no bows”, but they didn’t get the memo I guess. I tossed the active(?)/shovel a midway distance between all of us and they began talking(?) to the two unarmed guys. They came over to get it out unfortunately(?) and  grabbed a bamboo knife. By this time the wind had picked up and the kayak was get(?) new on shallow cool(?). The Islanders saw that and blocked my exit. One blocked (unnamed(?)) while other (bamboo knife) waded along the coral. Then little kid with bow and arrow came down the middle and I figured that this was it. So I preached a bit to them starting in Genesis and disembarked my kayak to show them that I too have two legs. I was inches from the unarmed guy (well built with a round face one fly on his right face cheek and yellowish pigment in circles on his cheeks, and about 5ft. 5”) and gave him a bunch of the sacks and gifts. As they got bunched(?) together – so basically I gave them all the gift-type items (except for some spares in my cached gear) and then they took the Kayak…and the little kid shot me with an arrow – directly into my Bible which I was holding in front of my chest. I grabbed the arrow shaft as it broke in my Bible (on pg. 433, Isaiah 63:5-65:2), and felt the arrow head. It was metal, thin but very sharp. I stumbled back and I recall yelling at the kid for shooting me – now as I look back at it, my Bible cover looks like bark – like tree bark, so maybe he was just being curious, but yikes, it sure gave me a fright. They left me alone as I half-waded, half-swam through the broken coral to the deep part of the cove where I know their dugouts couldn’t reach if they chased me. I had to swim almost a mile back to the boat at the mouth of the cove…as I got closer I thought a rock was the boat and then saw the boat but(?) with figures with their arms up waving and I thought briefly that another group of Sentinelese had attacked the boat while they were watching me, but thank God that wasn’t the case. Although I now have no kayak, or my small pelican and its contents, I’m grateful that I still have the written Word of God.  
The plan now is to rest and sleep on the boat and in the morning to drop me off by the cache and then I walk alonf the beach toward the same hut I’ve been giving gifts to. It’s weird – actually no, it’s natural: I’m scared.
There, I said it. Also thistul(?) and uncertain – unfortunately JP won’t go with me and only stays on the vessel. The language gap is tough too as it’s hard to get good input – LORD let your will be done. If you want me to get actually shot or even killed with an arrow, then so be it. I think I could be more useful alive though, but to You, God, I give all the glory of whatever happens. I DON’T WANT to Die! Would it be wiser to leave and let someone else continue? NO. I don’t think so – I’m stuck here anyway without a passport and having been off the grid. I still could make it back to the US somehow as it almost seems like certain death to stay here – yet there is endened(?) change in just this encontus(?) in a single day. Will try again tomorrow. I’m sending these pages to A (for Alex?) to take a picture of all(?) this(?) to Bobby and AN (for All Nations, see


  • ·         # of people in hut: ~10 including juveniles (with seen more elsewhere so estimated 50+ here, estimate say 250.
  • ·         Language: Lots of high pitched sounds with [b][p],[l] and [s] heard. Couldn’t quite get any words. Insults are probably exchanged a lot. Did not seem to understand Jarawa words I said.
  • ·         Gestures: Arms in the air=unarmed, friendly; pointing with hand/finger(?)=pointing a location; arrows in bow=ready to shoot you
  • ·         Environment: beautiful cpve, mostly dead coral but clear and dead coral bottom. Sand is white, but coarse. There’s an amazing surf at the dark part of the entrance to the cove. Saw 3 perfect sets of 4-6 fast high swells barreling the like 200 yards or so.
  • ·         Thuierd(?) hut and dugouts points to a cultural practice. It could also be from poaches(?) as I have seen numerous rocky coral that juts out of the cove having lines (thick) wrapped around them.
  • ·         If they see something they like, they’ll take it (by force if necessary). I wonder how many other folks have given them something. And if they feel like it is expected or due them? ____________________________________

Watching the sunset out it’s beautiful – crying a bit…wondering if it’ll be the last sunset I see before being in the place where the sun never sets. Tearing up a little.

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